Thursday 13 May 2010

The Very Fussy Cannibal

"Please sweetie just eat a little bit?"
"Nuh huh, I don't like it!"
"How do you know you don't like it until you try it?"
This kind of coaxing had been going on for an hour and Max was coming to the end of his tether. Katie's mom was due home from a fortnight business trip in an hour. Max wanted her dinner finished and the precocious ten year old in bed before Emily got back, so he could spend a little 'quality' time with her, before he went on his business trip.
"I don't even know what it is" whined Katie
"It's just roast beef, you've had it before" Max's patience was wearing thin.
"Well it doesn't look like roast beef"
"It's just a different recipe hun, it's, Mexican style"
"Well why didn't Rosalita cook it?" Rosalita had been the family’s house maid until a few days ago. When Katie asked where she gone, her dad had just mumbled something about a last minute holiday. Katie wasn't happy about it at all, as Rosalita had been like a second mother to her. A fact that Max hated.
"Look I told you" Max replied, trying his best not to shout "Rosalita's gone and she ain't coming bac-" Shit he'd said too much. He hoped that Katie hadn't caught what he said but he knew she had. She was what her teachers called "a gifted child", which Max took to mean "too smart for her own good". He looked down at the expression of horror on her face.
"YOU FIRED ROSALITA!" she yelled.
"No sweetie I didn't, well not exactly" he garbled out.
"Not exactly? then what did you do?" As she spat out that last question she looked down at the roast beef, because that was where Max was no looking with a pale, guilt ridden look on his face.
It hit her all at once, Rosalita's sudden disappearance, the strange looking beef that Max told her was a Mexican recipe; wasn't Rosalita from somewhere like that? She felt sick to her stomach as her eyes rose to meet his.
"Daddy" she muttered very nervously and very slowly "d-did you," She couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth "k-k-kill Rosalita and then COOK her?" She couldn't hide the horror in her voice anymore.
Damn thought Max I always knew she was too smart for her own good.
"No baby of course not why would you think that?" As he went towards Katie, she started squirming back in her chair. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!" She yelled moving further back, the chair started rocking backwards as well. All of a sudden the legs slipped from underneath the chair on the smooth hardwood floor. The chair slammed to the ground, smacking Katie’s head against it, she screamed and went silent. A dark crimson pool slowly emanated from the back of her skull.
"Oh Fuck!" Was all Max could manage to say, before he could react any further he heard the front door open and close, then footsteps moving up the corridor. "Hello," Called out Emily "Anyone home?"
Max's head appeared from around the kitchen door. "Hey Sugar, me and Katie are just finishing up in here and then I’ll put her to bed. Why don't you go upstairs, take a shower and get into bed yourself? I'll bring you something to eat"
"Oh that sounds good, I'm exhausted".

Emily took a long shower and climbed into bed with her favourite book. She read until she was almost asleep. At that point Max came in with a full tray for her.
"Here you go a tasty chicken sandwich"
"Hey what took you Mister?" Emily asked hungrily as she took the sandwich from the tray and tore a huge bite from it.
"Oh you know how Katie can be when she's over tired, it took a while to get her to go to sleep" Explained Max, relieved that Emily had no idea what had transgressed in the kitchen.
"Umm" Mumbled Emily "Are you sure this is chicken?"
"Of course baby" Max replied "It's just a new recipe".

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